Discover the Lamb and the Enemy

Discover the Lamb and the Enemy, sermon on Revelation 12 and 13.

Click the Here for link of pictures from the message.

Discover the lamb and our enemy


Revelation 12 and 13

There is an enemy against the Church, and John reveals that enemies agenda is to steal the worship of God away from him.

The question we must ask ourselves, who do we hope in?

These couple of pictures are from Jordan’s shopping trip with his kids.

The last picture is of Oscar Meyer’s Bacon app attachment. As our good friend Rey Brandt said so well after the sermon, “All sizzle, no substance.”

Discover the Lamb and the World

Revelation 6-11 tells us not necessarily of a world to come so much as the way the world is.

Revelation 6-11 offers us a great temptation to open the newspaper and decipher the times. Resist the temptation. Revelation 6-11 is not about a timeline telling us of precise dates and times in which Jesus will return. Revelation is not written so we might decipher the times and calculate the return of Jesus. Instead, the book is written to those who names and stories make up the newspapers. It’s written to people who are caught in the crosshairs of a world ravaged with death, war and famine to give them hope in the victorious Lamb.

As we will see in this sermon, there is no point in the last 2000 years in which the four horses haven’t been riding in the world. Their destruction is prevalent, the church is often in the mix, but we are victorious in Jesus!

Discover the Lamb week 5

This week, Jordan Ickes covers one of the most important chapters in all of Revelation, chapter 5. We discover the power of the lamb!

Jesus will carry out God’s redeeming plan of creation through the blood of the Lamb.

Creation sings a new song, because of the Lamb!

Great encouragement to God’s people. Take a listen!

Discover the Lamb Week 4

Revelation 4

Symbols in Revelation

Jordan Ickes