God’s Story

Follow this link to an article about the recently discovered “God Particle.”

I don’t claim to really understand this whole thing with the “God Particle,” but given the story of Creation given us in the Bible: about how Jesus becomes king, inaugurates a new way, forgives us, adopts us as His Children and has his church eagerly waiting the fulfillment of restored and renewed Creation –
I would much rather have that narrative than what is proposed here where they believe that, “creating ‘stuff’ from ‘no stuff’ seems to be no problem at all—everything we see could have emerged as a purposeless quantum burp in space or perhaps a quantum burp of space itself.”
Not to mention, the Higgs Boson is apparently more relevant than God in this scenario.

All kinds of stuff to be upset about here as a Christian reading this article. I would argue with the guy, but I’m not sure exactly what I would even be arguing about. I’m not a physicist, I can’t even spell it without a little help from spell checker. Regardless, it’s all pretty simple and comes down to a question of what story you want to be a part of, what narrative you will choose.
What story do you want to be a part of? Do you choose to believe you are a part of a purposeless quantum burp in space, or rather, a fearfully and wonderfully made child of God, adopted and a part of God’s creation and re-creation story that cheers on God’s coming Kingdom?
To many, the Bible story is unbelievable. I get that. Believing takes a lot more than crunching numbers and smashing particles together. It takes humility, enough to say we aren’t God and trust that Jesus is.


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